This week’s spotlight is a little different because instead of doing the interview over Zoom, I had the amazing opportunity to MEET my client in person! I started my business online right around the time Covid hit, and so the overwhelming majority of my interactions have been through a computer, but there’s something really special about that face-to-fact contact. It helped me realize even more the impact that anyone can make on someone’s life!
Our Warrior of the Week is Tiffany! Tiffany is a mom of two high school kids and currently lives in Ohio. She has always lived an active lifestyle and always loved fitness, but when Covid hit, she lost the gym and those who kept her accountable and she felt like she hit a plateau. She joined one of my two-week challenges, and instantly felt connected. She signed up for Strong Feels Good and at the time of this recording, was on her 100th day!
The Strong Feels Good community is second to NONE, and Tiffany absolutely loves being a part of a global community of like-minded and supportive people reaching toward a common goal. She loves the detail and structure of the workouts, so as a “planner,” Tiffany really benefits from having a schedule and having everything laid out and organized. SFG has helped Tiffany make journaling a part of her daily routine and helped her to feel accomplished.
Even though Tiffany has always enjoyed fitness, Strong Feels Good was the first program where she felt a TRUE transformation. She has lost inches off her waist, her clothes fit better, and she feels both mentally and physically stronger. Most of all, she feels BETTER: lighter and stronger, and she didn’t even realize that before joining the program that she wasn’t feeling the best that she could be.
You CAN still live your life and have fitness a part of it. There IS a way you can have a balance. Strong feels DAMN good!
Check out Tiffany's results!