Warrior Spotlight: Angela R.

warrior spotlight Jul 18, 2022

I'm so pumped to celebrate Angela! No, not me... a different Angela! Grab the tissues... you might need them for this!

Angela is from Vancouver, BC, Canada. She's a lawyer by trade a proud mom of two miracle babies... and I say miracle babies because this will segue into her story of being in recovery from a severe eating disorder that she battled for years and was allegedly supposed to prevent her from having children. She's also recently opened a gelato and coffee shop, which has been her passion project! On top of her successful career as a lawyer, being a mom, and opening her shop, Angela has still found the time to take care of herself and get her exercise done in a healthy, positive way.

When she started Strong Feels Good, Angela had an addiction to over-exercising and was recovering from her ED. She was sleeping 3-4 hours a night and doing cardio 6-7 days. She was so used to cutting, cutting, cutting, so gaining weight was so hard for her mentally. While most people come to...

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