I am uncomfortable during holidays πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

Uncategorized Dec 27, 2022

Today I want to give you a reminder that it’s OKAY if...

You didn’t get your workouts in

Your routine is completely out of whack (I know mine is)

You’re “behind” on your normal stuff

You didn’t eat “healthy” and maybe ate more than normal

That’s what happens during the holiday season. It’s okay and it’s also temporary. The holiday season does not last forever!

It’s honestly good for our body to be “out of routine” sometimes, it’s okay to take a break from it all. 

I had to remind myself of this when I started to beat myself up for not keeping on top of my “Non-Negotiables” that I do everyday.

I reminded myself that just like if I eat a handful of cookies one day, and I think my body will completely transform and I will lose ALL my progress because of that ONE cookie moment... or two…

The reality is that nothing changed. I was fine. And those cookies made me feel good...

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I'm moving again πŸ˜…

Uncategorized Dec 20, 2022

Yes, it’s true. If you’ve been on this adventure with me for awhile you’ve known that I have literally been ALL over haha, but Austin is definitely where I want to stay!

So I wanted to take today to go through a quick recap of well...life. It’s been a journey!


1990-2008: Byram, New Jersey

Where I was born, the only thing that is known there is a place called Wild West City. While I am a “Jersey Girl” I didn’t live by anywhere that was very Jersey. Not in a city, not by the shore, I literally was in the woods right near Pennsylvania

2008-2018: Rhode Island

I moved to Rhode Island to go to school for Biological Chemistry (I have a degree in that), I think stayed and worked at Brown University, Followed by a pharmaceutical company named Genzyme. When I quit…I was working at a Gymnastics Gym Called Dream Big Gymnastics and started training the adults of the parents of the gymnastics students! One thing lead to another and I wound...

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Drunk off Coconuts πŸ₯₯🌴

Uncategorized Dec 13, 2022

Not drunk like that.... read more to find out.

As some of you may know I spent the week in the Big Island, Hawaii. This trip was super spontaneous, found really cheap flight tickets on Southwest and my best friend Marissa already had an Airbnb Booked with her and three other friends that I didn’t really know.

I was nervous at first. I honestly have never been on a true “girls trip” but the timing felt right & decided to go, and I am so glad I did.

Let me first start with saying that I know on instagram you might think “wow it’s so lucky these girls get to go on these trips, must be nice…” BUT ALL of us worked every morning at 4am. We worked hard on the computers, did meetings, etc. and then spent time enjoying the day after that. That’s why working remote is so amazing!

We also ALL stuck to some of our routines, taking our supplements, drinking water, meditating, keeping on track with our healthy habits in the best way we...

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Free workouts every Monday! πŸ₯³

Uncategorized Dec 06, 2022

I had to do A LOT of adulting last week...you know, the pile of papers you have from the mail, the tedious stuff like renewing your insurance, paying tolls, random bills...

 It's not glamorous, but it's reality. I did a lot of that last week and it feels so good to have it all done. 

 I am also currently looking for new apartments!  I've moved literally every year or I've been nomadic so I am excited to get this next place and stay for a long while! 

 Lastly! Took a trip out to Friedrickburg in Texas!! Its a CUTE little town with tons of character! Lots of great German Restaurants and all the Xmas themes!

In other random news, each Monday I am going to be giving you a FREE Workout every Monday! All you have to do is click play! This way you at least have ONE workout that you can commit to getting done and NEVER Miss a Monday. Click here to register to get the free workouts!

1:1 Coaching

I was BLOWN away by my clients results in 30 Days!! So...

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Happiness is not always what you think

Uncategorized Nov 29, 2022

I wanted to take some time today to talk about the definition of happiness. 

Personally, I always thought if I hit a certain number of sales in my business, got on the cover of a magazine or had the perfect boyfriend that I would feel “happy” because I feel successful.

But it wasn’t.

Even after I hit some of those milestones, I still felt alone and sad, because I wasn’t happy during the process. And I was even more sad when I realized that those things wouldn’t change the way I felt about myself.

It’s like that saying “xi” I know a lot of you might be like “Angela… having abs will ABSOLUTELY make me happy.

But the HARD truth is that you won’t be.

Happiness is learning to be happy where you are right in this moment; the imperfections, the good the bad.

Only when you have that, will you be happy.

Last week, I could have felt sad because the holidays typically aren’t great for me. I got broken...

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I suck at drinking water. Anyone else?

Uncategorized Nov 22, 2022

Seriously, I am not one of those people who feel thirsty, and I can go the entire day not drinking water and then I wonder to myself, "why the hell do I have low energy and feel like shit?"

So here are a few things I have been doing to stay hydrated. Maybe these tips will help you too!

Drinking TWO Glasses of water in the morning

This is my NO-BS approach to make sure you get SOME water in because let’s face it, something is better than nothing!

Carrying a jug around with me

I used to be that girl carrying around a plastic milk jug water bottle, and it was SO annoying to carry it around, so I knew if I drank it, then I wouldn’t have to carry it anymore! I now have upgraded to this super cute jug that has motivational lines on it. I can refill it with my own filtered water, saving me money, saving the environment and all the things. Here’s a link to the flask if you want to grab one from amazon.

Link: https://a.co/8Uq3ZeJ 

Getting a Reverse Osmosis Water...

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7 of my Favorite Easily Digestible Books


Today I wanted to share 7 Books that are EASILY Digestible and changed my life....

 First I want to start off by saying that I am a SLOW reader and I always have been. For the longest time, I was embarrassed by this. I had friends cranking through a few books a week and I just could NOT keep up.

I decided to give myself permission to read as SLOW, as I want so I can really understand and absorb each book.

These books were all EASY to read, digestible, and I was able to actually take action after them, which is something I feel like is super important.

You can READ get all the advice you want but it's important to actually implement it. 

Also I visited the Ryan Holiday Book Store this weekend! It was so damn cute, located in a small town, and he had notes on certain books that explained why he loved them so much! And it inspired me to make this

The Mountain is YOU

I WILL be reading this multiple times. It's a great book on self sabotage it gives you reasons for WHY you feel...

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With the right belief and guidance, you can do anythingΒ 

Uncategorized Nov 07, 2022

It's true. "With the right belief and guidance....you can truly do anything" 

And I don't mean YOU having belief in yourself. 

Because the truth is, most of the time we don't actually believe in ourselves. We second guess ourselves, we think of reasons why we aren't good enough or reasons why things will go wrong. 

So TWO things will happen here:

  • You DO IT anyway...and the belief comes later 
  • You have someone around who believes in you so damn much, that it starts to rub off on you. It starts to drive you to take action because THEY see something in you that you don't see yet 

This has happened so many times for me.

  1. Before I started Fitness competition, someone brought me to meet Cathy Savage. The OG of fitness and the leader of all things Fitness Competition. I sat in her office, young, scared, still working as a  biochemist and after our conversation she said "I am sponsoring you to do a competition in a few weeks, coaching, outfits etc" I was in...
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October normally sucks...

mindset success stories Oct 31, 2022

Happy Halloween, Crew! 

Most of you are aware of this, but Halloween is literally my favorite holiday. I love the idea of dressing up and not being so serious for a full week (yes, I celebrate all week). 

This week I was:

  • Beetlejuice
  • an Astronaut
  • a Cat! (I am actually sitting in a cafe as we speak with cat ears on as I write this)  

As much as I LOVE Halloween, to be honest, historically, October hasn't been the best month for me. It always seems to be filled with drama, breakups, deaths, moving...

You ever have that month that you are kinda holding on and just waiting for something bad to happen because, well, it always does. That's this month for me. What's interesting is that things actually were going good, but my body was FILLED with anxiety, anticipating the worst. 

Last year, despite IG pictures that seemed happy, I felt super alone, was going through a breakup, and I was struggling to find my place when I was living in Colorado. 


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A bird pooped on my head πŸ˜…

mindset success stories Oct 24, 2022

Yes... you heard that right. I was sitting outside at a cafe, minding my own business, doing some work and all of the sudden I felt a drip drip on my head and shirt. 

I looked up, and there was literally just ONE bird sitting on a ledge above my head. He KNEW what he was doing. 

I posted about this and so many people messaged me saying, "it's good luck" and this got me thinking. Why? Why is it good luck?

What if it is just making light of a seemingly bad situation? 

If we can say that good luck comes for a bird pooping on your head, why not take that same perspective when other bad things happen in life?

"The primary reason that many cultures believe that it's good luck to have a bird poop on you, is because the chance of this happening is fairly rare. In fact, it's about as rare as a win in the lottery. Therefore, many people who get pooped on, immediately go and buy a lottery ticket.

It has been calculated that in the USA, the chance of getting pooped on...

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