Taking Control of Your Nutrition with Sam Forget

My guest this week is my friend Sam Forget! Sam and I were living right next to each other in NYC, we had all the same mutual friends, and we even had similar travel and conference schedules but we NEVER knew each other until we met at a conference last year in Seattle. Sam is an online nutrition coach who works with people who have transformation-related goals through 1:1 coaching and group coaching. He doesn’t just focus on the nutritional side of things, but also lifestyle stuff: everything from relationship with food, to stress management, to sleep hygiene. 

I get a lot of people asking me about nutrition plans, but here’s the thing about nutrition plans: a list of what to eat and what not to eat is not going to address your relationship with food, how you cope with stress, or the state of your digestive health. It might give you short-term results, but it’s not going to help you in the long term. It goes much, much deeper than that. 

In this...

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Creating a Successful Online Course with Kyle Weiger

kyle weiger podcast Jul 18, 2022

Listeners, meet my bestie! Kyle Weiger is a handstand coach. He found yoga at the age of 28, which led to gymnastics, which then led to acrobatics, and he found a passion for teaching handstands. He put out his first handstand course in 2017 and it’s been a wild ride since then. Kyle hosts workshops, online courses, intensive online groups, and more, all about handstands! Kyle has had a wide range of students, from true beginners to crossfit athletes, and has taught over 8,000 students across 72 countries. 

But his success didn’t happen overnight. He went from struggling financially, up to his eyeballs in debt, thinking about renting a storage unit and living out of it just to make ends meet, in a dark place emotionally and financially, with his only customer being his mom, to the successful entrepreneur he is today. It took 6 or 7 years from the time he launched his first website to actually being successful. 

So why handstands? Like pull-ups, it’s more...

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Trainer Tips: Stop making these mistakes in your Core Workouts

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2022

3 Mistakes that I see ALL the time in Core Workouts that could be hindering your progress and even leading to some back & neck pain. 


#1 Putting your Hands Behind your Butt/Back 

So many people do this because they have back pain when doing this movement...but what they don't realize is that by putting your hands behind your back you are completely negating using your core AND that if you were having back pain during this movement it's better for you to REGRESS the movement to heel taps so that you can learn to engage the core properly. 


#2 Pulling your Neck Forward instead of to the ceiling when doing the classic Crunch 

You want to pretend like there is a string attached to your nose and it is pulling you UP not forward. You also should not be PULLING on your neck while doing this, your hands are simply allowing your neck a place to stay and live 

#3 The Plank Hip Tap 

So many times I see people legit just rolling their body on the...

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Core Workshop Replay

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2022
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Feeling Core Exercises in your Neck?

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2022

 Have you ever done some core movements and thought…wow my neck hurts?


It’s actually super common, in this video we are going to go over what you can do to get rid of that pain so you can actually feel the core movements in the RIGHT area.


Number 1: Warm-up your Neck

We hold onto a lot of stress and tension in our neck and we sit hunched over a lot days. So doing these movements will help alleviate some of that built up tension.


Number 2: Tongue on Top of Mouth


Literally sounds so crazy but it does help! Put the tongue on the top of your. Mouth and try to crunch that way


Number 3: Go up instead of Forward


Instead of going forward with your crunch, pretend there is a string attached to your nose and it is pulling it straight up to the ceiling. Up instead of forward.


Number 4: Hands do NOT lift Neck


Make sure your hands are just supporting neck and not PULLING the neck up


Number 5: Use a Towel to Rest...

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Shifting into an Abundance Mindset with Jess (Glazer) Derose

jess glazer mindset Jul 18, 2022

I’m super excited to welcome one of my dearest friends, Jess Glazer on the show! Jess is a business coach, mentor, speaker, and philanthropist. A former school teacher and personal trainer, Jess turned her side hustle into a multiple 7-figure business, and she helps others do the same. She teaches her clients how to extract what they know and their lived experience and turn it into courses, programs, and content to help the world.

In this episode, Jess and I are going to talk about the importance of mindset and how to shift your mindset into a place of abundance. 

Mindset is a muscle, like anything else. We really do need to flex it and work on it every single day. You’ll have days where you feel stronger, and you’ll have days that you feel weaker, and it’s important to get support through your mindset journey. 


Connect with Jess:

Instagram: @iamjessicaderose 


Join the mailing list: 



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Core exercises hurting your lower back? | Two ways to finally target your core properly

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2022

Has there been times you are doing core exercises and all you do is feel them in your legs or even maybe your lower back?


This is super common and a lot of it has to do with tight hip flexors taking over that core movement.


So how do we actually get to target our core properly then? I am going to show you TWO things in this video that will be total game-changers!


1- Proper Warm-up

2-Proper Core activation

3-Then we will go through and test out a core movement to see if we feel a change in

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It’s Not JUST About the Pull-Up: Conquering Your Pull-Up is Conquering Life

podcast pull-ups Jul 18, 2022

Today we’re going to be talking about pull-ups… but we’re not going to be talking about pull-up technique or how to do a pull-up, we’re going to be talking about WHY learning a pull-up can be a life-changing experience.

I started my pull-up coaching journey when I owned my own gym and I had tons of clients, especially female clients, coming to me and telling me that their biggest fitness goal was to learn a pull-up. Pull-ups can be intimidating, and the process is truly like a roller coaster. One week you’re making gains, and the next week, you can’t seem to make any progress.

As women, we may have been told our entire lives that we’re not strong enough to do it. NOT ANYMORE. You can learn a pull-up! You are strong enough. You can be patient enough. 

When you do something you think you can’t do, it will translate to other facets of your life. Approaching your pull up is like anything in life: you make small changes, little by...

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Master these 4 Moves to get Results in your Core!

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2022


So you want to get a stronger core?! I hate to break it to ya, but all those fancy core moves…aren’t the best way to build a strong foundation and see results. So I am going to take you back to the BASICS. With 4 moves that you need to add to your core routine and MASTEr so that you have a strong foundation and can get one step closer to getting stronger



You core is a part of everything you do…so ya need to have a strong one!


00:00 Intro

00:50 Table Top Hold

04:05 The Deadbug

05:03 The Bear Hold

06:41 Single Leg Stands


You need to be consistent with these moves!! A six pack and a core doesn’t just come over night!


Hope this was helpful for you!


7 DAY FREE CORE PROGRAM: https://www.angela-gargano.com/offers/FZuiMXzN

30 DAY CORE REVOLUTION PROGRAM: https://www.angela-gargano.com/core-revolution

Try it Strong Feels Good FREE for 7 Days: https://www.angela-gargano.com/FREETRIAL-new

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7 Ways to get back to YOU again

mindset Jul 18, 2022

 Sometimes we think things are going great. And then something happens that completely shakes it. It might be super minor, it might be larger scale. But after we feel stuck, in our heads and we just can’t seem to get to feeling like ourselves again. This has happened to me numerous times, especially in dating. I never fully knew why specific events triggered me so badly. But I did realize a pattern. Some took me longer to get over than others, but as I started using this “tool kit” , believe it or not, each time something happened it took less time for me to recover. I still felt very similar feelings but now I was able to handle it, grow and move on. So let’s go through the tool kit on things I have learned through my journey.


  1. Write it out, burn it, let it go Method 


I clearly remember being so triggered a year ago. I was excited about dating this guy, we went on weekly dates, he was a gentleman, held doors open for me, planned...

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